Tag Archives: Cardiff Web Scene

Less than 24 hours the the first UK Ignite…

As Ignite Cardiff approaches, I think it’s probably fair to say that I’m a little bit nervous, but very excited.

We’ve had some great support, especially from Cardiff Web Scene members and I’ve had some lovely emails and wishes of good luck.  I’m also eternally grateful to our speakers, who have given up their free time to write and present talks, and without them we wouldn’t be able to have an Ignite Cardiff and I’m also really, really grateful with the fantastic Neil Cocker of Nocci who has been an absolute star.

I think the only thing that I’ve been slightly disappointed by is the lack of media interest, especially from the local media.  We really want to do something great for South Wales by showing that Cardiff can play in the ‘big boy’ leagues in terms of UK firsts and really cool events, and despite having sent press releases out to everyone we could possibly think of, as well as relentlessly Twittering, we’ve been contacted by one journalist…

Anyway, as we’re getting closer to the first ever UK Ignite (in 24 hours it will all be over) you can follow the ‘proceedings’ through my Twitter and there will be photos up on Cardiff Web Scene.  Also, bit of a newsflash, we’re hoping to bring Ignite to London in 2009 (you heard it here first folks!) so if you’re interested in that just drop me a line!

*** Claire

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My own blog… finally!

OK it’s been on my mind for a few weeks now and I’m glad to say that I’ve finally got around to setting up my own blog!  Now aside from talking about work and web related things (like I do on Cardiff Web Scene and on the Box UK BBC Labs blog) I can also rant on about my other passions in life such as shoes, cats, decorating and shopping!

My main project at the moment is setting up the first UK Ignite event, which is keeping me quite busy and out of trouble.  It’s free entry so if you’re interested in being part of a really cool networking event and a UK first, come along to Sodabar on 3 December at 18:30.  See you there!

*** Claire

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